Saturday, July 30, 2011

3D ultrasound

On July 26th, we had our 3D ultrasound. We weren't really sure what to expect and we were hoping that she would cooperate so that we could get a good picture to see what she was going to look like. At first, the doctor took a look at her heart, bladder, ovaries, femur, etc. to make sure everything was growing and healthy. She told us that she had a bubble in her stomach which meant that she was drinking like she should be so that made us feel better. She also named the four chambers of her heart and we listened to it beat. Everything looked healthy and "beautiful". We were so happy to hear that.

When it came time to take a picture of her face, however, it was a little more difficult. First of all, her face was way low so the doctor had to push hard on my stomach to even be able to see it. Second, the baby's arm was in the way so the doctor had to try to get it to move so she could get a picture. We finally got a couple and you can see that her arm is coming across her face... silly girl! She is going to be so adorable though and we can't wait to meet her in person. I love her nose and her lips and everyone says that she's going to look just like me, but I have a feeling she will have some of her dad's characteristics. She already has long arms and legs like him and she weighs 1 pound 8 ounces!

Here are the pictures of our sweet baby Dallas

The pregnancy seems to be going faster now and I can't believe that we only have 16 weeks left, although we are still impatient for her to be here!

It's a girl!

On June 10th, we went to our doctor's appointment hoping to be able to find out what we would be having. As the doctor started looking in the general area, he saw that the baby was sitting indian-style and the legs were blocking his view. We waited for a few minutes for the baby to move and eventually it did. We found out that we were going to be having a baby girl! We were so excited!

On June 12th, I felt her small movements for the first time. It was an amazing feeling and I enjoy being able to know that she is moving and healthy. Kelly enjoys feeling her move as well and can't wait for his little girl to be here.

Here is a picture of her foot

At this point the due date keeps changing, but it is somewhere between November 8 and 15. We are considering trying for the 11th to make her birthday 11-11-11, but who knows what will happen. What we do know is that her name will be Dallas Rae Jensen and we are going to be the luckiest parents when she arrives!